The next decade or so promises to be an exciting time for science and innovative technology. Ideas that were once the preserve of imaginative science fiction writers are moving closer to becoming reality, and if you thought the advancements made over the last couple of decades were impressive, they are likely to be put firmly in to the shade by upcoming innovations. Here are ten incredible technological improvements we can expect to see in upcoming years, many of which are already at a very well developed stage of planning.
1. Revolving Buildings

The transformation of Dubai into a global city, international business hub and one of the richest places in the world is a story in itself. And while it is now associated with wealth and decadence, it also provides a platform for some incredible architectural innovations, including Burj Khalifa, the tallest building in the world.
The latest addition to this collection is the 'Dynamic Tower', a rotating building made of 59 independently rotating floors that will move at 6 meters per minute, meaning those inside get an ever changing view of the world outside without noticing that they're being spun around. Each floor will also have its own wind turbine that will create enough energy to power the building and several others. It's all still a design concept as things stand, but the technology is far from out of reach and we can expect rotating, energy producing buildings in the near future.
Video introducing Dynamic Tower:
Dubai Rotating Tower (Video)