« Reply #6 on: February 13, 2016, 01:31:07 AM » |
7. If your boss makes a mistake, tell him without embarrassing him. It was peak winters and the ponds were frozen when Akbar asked Birbal if a man would be inside the frozen pond throughout the night, without any attire for money. Birbal agreed. The next day, Birbal came to the court along with a poor Brahmin whose family was starving. He agreed to be in the pond all night. The whole night he was inside the pond, shivering. He returned to the durbar the next day to receive his reward. The king asked how he managed to withstand the extreme temperature all through the night. He replied, 'I could see a faintly glowing light a kilometer away and I withstood with that ray of light.'
Akbar wasn't convinced and refused to give him any reward. The Brahmin went to Birbal asking for help. Thereafter, Birbal stopped coming to the durbar and sent a messenger to the king saying that he would come to the court only after cooking his khichdi. After a few days, the king himself went to Birbal's house to see what he was doing. Birbal had lit the fire and kept the pot of uncooked khichdi one meter away from it. Akbar questioned him, 'How will the khichdi get cooked with the fire one meter away?'
Birbal replied, 'When it was possible for a person to receive warmth from a light that was a kilometer away, then it is possible for this khichdi, to get cooked too. Akbar understood his mistake and rewarded the Brahmin man with 2000 gold coins.
It's possible to handle such situations without anger or frustration. If Birbal could make Akbar realise his mistake without making him feel embarrassed, so can you.
« Reply #7 on: February 13, 2016, 01:31:40 AM » |
8. People might not be their original selves at the workplace, so be careful of what you tell them. There lived a blind saint in an ashram in the kingdom of Emperor Akbar who predicted the future correctly. Once, he had visitors who had come to treat their niece. The child's parents were killed in front of the girl's eyes. Once she saw the saint, she started to scream loudly saying that that saint was the culprit. The couple went to Birbal to seek help. In front of all the ministers, he drew a sword and neared the saint to kill him. The saint in bewilderment immediately drew another sword and began to fight. Thus, everyone found out that he wasn't blind.
At a workplace, people sometimes try to manipulate others, so be wary of them.
« Reply #8 on: February 13, 2016, 01:32:06 AM » |
9. Don't ask your colleagues to do something that you wouldn't do yourself. Although, you can ask for help! One day, one rich man wanted to punish a man named Hasan. He blamed him for stealing a necklace from his house. The rich man forced Hasan to put a red hot iron in his hands to prove his innocence. Hasan, on the other hand, refused to do it. Birbal intervened, suggesting the rich man to put the red hot iron on his bare hands as well. This would help him prove his innocence. The rich man refused to do it, and decided against it. Thus, the court knew Hasan had not stolen the necklace.
There will always be assignments or duties that you won't enjoy doing, but to transfer them to someone else isn't fair either. Don't force other people to do things you wouldn't do yourself.
« Reply #9 on: February 13, 2016, 01:32:27 AM » |
10. Sometimes, all you need is a different perception. Once, Akbar asked Birbal if it was possible for a man to be the lowest and the noblest at the same time. Birbal said it was possible. Akbar demanded to meet such a person. Birbal went out and returned with a beggar. Birbal then told Akbar, 'He is the lowest among your subjects.' But Akbar wasn't convinced if he was the noblest. To which Birbal replied, 'He has been given the honour of an audience with the emperor," said Birbal. 'That makes him the noblest among beggars.' And Akbar was convinced.
There are days we all feel burdened with work, and saturated. On those days, maybe we just need to look at things differently.
« Reply #10 on: February 13, 2016, 01:32:47 AM » |
11. Confidence is great, overconfidence is not. A man who made spears and shields once visited Akbar's court. He said, 'Your Majesty, nobody can make shields and spears to equal mine. My shields are so strong that nothing can pierce them and my spears are so sharp that there's nothing they cannot pierce.' Birbal was sure that he could prove him wrong, but the man thought it was impossible. Birbal finally said, 'Hold up one of your shields and I will pierce it with one of your spears,' said Birbal with a smile.
Confidence is a great quality, but overconfidence is equally bad. It's impossible to know everything and that's the reason we should never stop learning.