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« on: June 02, 2006, 03:07:53 AM » |
Life is Diff than a teacher. A teacher teaches lesson then keeps d exam, but LIFE keeps d exam 1st then teaches d lesson...Tht's LIFE. 1 heart beat=> LUB n DUB Each heart beat hap a special msg 2 convey.. LUB says Live Ur Life d best & DUB says Do Ur Best in ur life... BEST OF LUCK.. +ve pictures cum out 4m -ve dvlped in a dark room. So if u find urself lonely n in dark, understand dat God is makin a beautiful pict 4 u. Life ends when u stop Dreaming, Hope ends when u stop Believing, Love ends when u stop Caring, SO Dream, Believe, & Care ---- LIFE IS REALLY BEAUTIFUL. Success is 'bt winning the ultimate war,nt necessarily every battle buddy even if u have lost dnt be disheartened..try again n again until u WIN...'n u will def WIN • 2 lovers plan a suicide. Boy jumped first. Gal closed her eyes n returned back saying: Luv is blind. Boy in air opened his parachute saying: Luv never dies Success is nothing more than a few simple disciplines, practiced every day; while failure is simply a few errors in judgment, repeated every day. It is the accumulative weight of our disciplines and our judgments that leads us to either fortune or failure Love urself ,Flirt with ur understanding,Romance with dreams,Get engaged with simplicity,Marry genuiness,Divorce the ego...Thats Good Life... If god answers your prayer , He is increasing your faith. If He delays He is increasing your patience. If He doesnt answer, He knows you can handle it perfectly. Feeling bored? think of me- feeling sad? call me- feeling sleepy? dream of me- feeling lonely? see me my name is self confidence...... never lose me!!!! If a drop of water falls on a llake its identity is over, but if same water drop falls on a lotus leaf it shines like a pearl. The drop is the same but the company matters.... Fly in d plane of ambition, Land in d airport of success, luck is urs, wish is mine, may ur future bright..