This seems to be a good news!!
Yahoo mail beta and the original Yahoo mail is now
available with professional looking 'dot' addresses.
Each existing Yahoo address can have another address
as an alternate e-mail ID, which shall share the same
Inbox as the primary ID. This is best, since we can
now have a professional '
firstname.lastname@yahoo.com' address without having
to worry about maintaining another mail account
all-together. Mails sent to or from either mail ID
shall come to the same inbox and you can use either ID
as the sender ID.
Get your new alternate email ID at : Yahoo dot
addresses <
http://updates.mail.yahoo.com/blog/2005/12/16/get-in-on-the-mad-rush-for-new-%e2%80%9cdot%e2%80%9d-addresses/ >
Log in anywhere on the Yahoo! network (Mail, Photos, Messenger with BT Communicator -- the list goes on and on...
1 Click on options in upper Right hand corner.
2 Click on mail addresses .
3 Click on Add
Just Click on this link
http://edit.yahoo.com/config/list_alias?.src=ym You can create an account with dot with same password. This ID
will have mails going into the inbox of existing account .You can
login or send or receive mails on either ID .
You can also create another dot ID by creating totally
new account from signing from mail.yahoo.com home page.