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Funfani.com - Spreading Fun All Over!INTERACTIVE ZONEGeneral Discussion/ Chit ChatCheating....
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FF Trailblazer

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« on: January 21, 2006, 03:37:41 AM »

Myth One: “Cheating is OK”

It isn’t. When you cheat, you’re putting on a face of deception. You are not presenting the real and honest you to the person you are cheating with. Even if your boyfriend or girlfriend doesn’t find out, you are betraying them by not being honest with your choices.

You may be able to lie to yourself for a short period of time, but deep down, you know cheating is wrong. I don’t think walking around with a guilty conscience is okay, nor is it much fun.

Myth Two: “Cheating is Fun”

Of course it’s fun. You know that you’re deceiving someone and getting away with it. But remember this “fun” has is a ticking time-bomb. Eventually, time will run out on your cheating romp and you will have to deal with some the vast array of drama, emotional turmoil, depression and other brutal situation that inevitably accompany such an explosion. Haven’t you seen the reality TV show Cheaters?

Myth Three: “It’s Only Cheating if the Other Person Finds Out”

Always remember: If you are going to cheat on your present love interest, you’re always going to be looking over your shoulder. Even if you are smooth operator about it and you’ve been able to fool both your current love beau and your second partner, it is still cheating. And at the end of the day, you are still being deceptive to others, and worse, you are not being honest with yourself. Don’t forget, people see and talk about things you might not want them to. These things always get out.

Myth Four: “Cheating is Forgivable”

This is a tough call. As a general rule of thumb, we should all practice forgiveness, because we all know that hanging on to anger and resentment causes tension in our own lives, whether or not we decide to move on with a cheating partner. However, dealing with the aftermath of a cheater is not easy. As the saying goes, “the damage is done.” You can forgive, but it takes time to forget.

Also, cheating has a lot to do with the betrayal of trust. When trust is broken in a relationship, it is almost impossible to regain again. It isn’t impossible, but it takes two very strong people to overcome. Most men and women tell me that if they ever found out that their partner was cheating on them, they wouldn’t be able to trust that person again, no matter how hard they tried. So, the best move might be to move on.

However, if you chose to forgive and forget, then I think it’s really important to take a step back and reflect on why you are willing to tolerate a cheating partner. What makes you think they won’t cheat again? Do you really want to be with someone who openly deceives you? Sure we all make mistakes, but cheating repeatedly on the same partner is disrespectful and selfish. No one deserves that treatment

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« Reply #1 on: May 22, 2011, 11:56:24 PM »

very good topic ...
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« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2012, 01:54:01 AM »

well exactly cheating is fun and i really enjoy it sumtimes...
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