We live in a colour world. Imagine what life would be without colours. Every colour vibrates to a different frequency as we individuals too chose our frequencies in life in terms of friends, relationships and even colours.We all have our favourite colours in which we feel comfortable and secure. Have you ever noticed many people look off colour when wearing certain colours and looking absolutely magnetic in others.
Did you also know that your numbers are linked to planets which have an influence on colours. So, you must always use the colours of the planets or numbers which are strong in your janam kundali. Which means that even the car you buy could bring you luck or otherwise based on its colour and the colour's equation with your birth date.
When we buy luxury cars, it is important to see how the fourth lord is situated, and also see the position of Venus which is the lord of vehicles. Don’t worry if your 4th house and Venus are afflicted. You can choose your car by knowing your lucky colour as per your ruling planets. For those who want to have a general view of sun signs and colours, let us take a peek into what colour suits what sun sign.