A common shade-loving household plant, Dumb Cane is a tropical plant that is among the most poisonous plants in the world. Chewing on any part of this leafy plant causes intense pain in the mouth and throat, excessive salivation, and in rare cases, severe swelling of the throat that can lead to strangulation.
10. Jimson Weed (Datura Stramonium)The very first plant poisoning death in the United States is credited to this little weed: Jimsonweed. The Jamestown, VA settlers used jimsonweed to poison British soldiers, who then spent 11 days in a state of insanity until they came to their senses (and didn't remember a thing). Turns out those soldiers got off easy; symptoms such as abnormal thirst, vision distortions, delirium, incoherence, and coma are often fatal.
Also called devil's trumpet, angel's trumpet, devil's weed, stinkweed, locoweed, and hell's bells, people who attempt to consume this weed recreationally for the hallucinogenic properties often get more than they bargain for because it's nearly impossible not to overdose. In South Africa, they call them "mad seeds."