8. The Florentine

The Florentine is an enigmatic diamond which is believed to have a light yellow color, with a green overtone and an estimated 137 carats. Its known history starts with the duke of Burgundy in the 15th�century. Apparently, he died in battle while wearing the diamond. The stone was stolen from him by a peasant who sold it for a florin, because he thought it was mere glass. It then changed owners several times, for small amounts of money. In the 17th�century, we find the Florentine in the possession of the Medici familly. When the last Medici died, the diamond arrived in Vienna, and became one of the Habsburg Crown Jewels. After the World War I, it was stolen and never found again, though a particular diamond was believed to be the lost one, because of its similarities with the Florentine.